Saturday, March 12, 2011

~ Animal Farm ~

Capitalism versus Socialism is the main issue in this story. George Orwell focuses on the qualities portrayed by a leader who practices Socialism in his story ‘Animal Farm’. The socialist cares more for the equality of everyone. It makes every single human the same to share the equal rights and treatment. Whereas, Capitalism emphasizes of one man leadership and does not give room for equality. The rich get richer; the poor get poorer under Capitalism.

Orwell uses symbolism in his story. The animals in the story represent our human society. He shows on how the animals in the farm were initially opposing on Capitalism. They did not want to be used up by their master. The rebelled against him and managed to chase him away with their cooperative. 

Later on, Snowball who was considered as the leader among them was chased away quietly by Napoleon. He was claimed as the new leader. All the animals listened to his commands and worked together. Napoleon always talked on equality and unity. However, he was just another dictator behind the animals like their previous master of the farm. Sadly, the other animals were unaware of his true colour.

Time passed, the commandments in the farm started to change and the animals became confused. Despite that, they did not fought over Napoleon. As a result, Napoleon changed the farm according to his preference. The new commandment was ‘All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than other’. The ‘some’ mentioned refers to his species, the pigs. 

Napoleon was an opportunist. He utilized his friends’ innocence. The reversion of Socialism back into Capitalism is the main matter of this story. It tells us how we are unaware of the political condition in our own territory and how people can be very opportunist. They can use without our realization. This does happen in our daily lives. What is the way to prevent this kind of a situation? 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

~ Monalisa Smile ~

Are women really liberated? What I mean to say by liberation includes the conservative thoughts and perceptions of society( includes women) on women. The world has gone through several revolutions and still going through it today. So do women.

As time passes, the role of women in the social strata has metamorphosed as well. Time requires women to change. However, it is devastating that women are not given the space for them to play on. This is because the narrow minded society do not give itself time to ponder about women who are also a part of them.

The saddest thing of all is that most of the women out there are being brought up with the conservative way which is so called the 'art of being  a WOMAN'. Therefore, these partially 'blind' women often become vague when it comes to decision making. They do not know what they  actually want. Although they want liberation from the society, they keep the desire dying within themselves as they are taught to sacrifice, but they are not slaughter lambs of course.

Women should keep their minds clear. They should know what they want. They should be aware that they have the rights to make decisions; to decide their paths of life. Nothing should be let to interfere and bog them down. That's is what Katherine Ann Watson was trying to infuse into her students in the movie, Monalisa Smile.

The title of the movie itself is very provocative. Is Monalisa really smiling? Is Monalisa is man or woman?(controversial). The degree of provocation that the title poses, in a way stir the audience to ask themselves more questions when they watch the movie.