Sunday, April 3, 2011

~ Equality ~

We are one. That is the message of the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson. He spurned racism and segregation. The lyrics of this song are a reflection of his thought. He wanted everyone to think and treat every soul equally. 

Equality is what he was fighting for in this song. He claimed himself to not to be second to anyone. He was trying to say that one should not be ranked according to race and creed. We are born human. God gives us only one race that is the human race. Why should we segregate ourselves is the question in this song. To narrow down the scope, he was singing about the plight of the coloured ones in America. Just because they were brought in as slaves, the Whites keep treating them as such even after slavery was banned. This circumstance should change. 

Jackson represented all the coloured ones in America to voice their dissatisfaction. The scene of two babies at the end of the song clip is a picture of unity that he had been yearning for. Segregation is a minority issues in America. However, it is still taking place; not only in America but also in the parts of the world. Together with Michael Jackson, I hope that one day some of humans who are ‘blind’ will open their eyes and realize of equality and may that one day come soon.

~ Power of Speech ~

Winston Churchill is no more a strange figure to us. He was one of the former Prime Minister of England. The same goes to Adolf Hitler who was a prominent orator and leader of the German Nazi. There lays few similarities between these two leaders especially their speeches. 

Churchill’s speech ‘We Shall Fight on the Beaches’ in 1940 and Hitler’s speech at the Berlin Sports Palace in 1941 share some common features. Both speeches show good persuasion skills. Churchill kept inspiring his people to keep on fighting whereby, Hitler was defending his own people by telling them the benefits that they did not get to enjoy. Besides, both of them did not criticize their foes. Hitler did not criticize British. Churchill was talking about the sacrifice done by British soldiers. 

 In terms of language, both used simply structured sentences so that their messages can be grabbed by all their audience regardless of social background and age. They also created sympathy to get the attention of their audience. Hitler explained about the sufferings that German was going through during the war. Churchill was emphasizing on the death of uncountable number of their loyal soldiers. 

All these are very effective features to get people to support them. We can adopt and adapt some of the characteristics of these good speeches. We can use them in our coming speeches. I am sure that they are going to be useful and fruitful. A good speech is always a well prepared one.